DTC Codes

OBD-II Code P0523: High Voltage In Engine Oil Pressure Sensor

Error code P0523 is defined as the Oil Pressure Switch/Sensor High Voltage error. It is a very generic kind of trouble code! It means that this error is a possible breakdown for all vehicles that are equipped with the OBD-II system. This error code is mostly detected in the OBD-II embedded vehicles built after 1996

How To FIX P0172 OBD-II Code?
DTC Codes

How To FIX P0172 OBD-II Code (System Too Rich (Bank 1)

P0172 is a trouble-causing issue code that means  “Fuel Tank Extremely Excessive “ The computer that is made in your automobile detects and judges the vehicle’s air-fuel combination has far much excessive fuel, the warning code is then triggered. Is Code P0172 Dangerous? While operating an automobile with a P0172 defect for an extensive duration

What Is A P069E Obd2 Code?
DTC Codes

P069E OBD2 Code: Fuel Pump Control Module Requested MIL

The P069e OBD2 code is a Diagnostic trouble code (DTC) mainly triggered by a Fuel Pump Control Module (FPCM) malfunction, resulting in the illumination of the MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp). The fuel pump control module is usually in charge of the supply and regulation of voltage within the fuel pump and the fuel pump relay.

DTC Codes

How To Fix Code P0169 (Incorrect Fuel Composition)

Code P0169 is defined as the “inappropriate fuel proportion” or, “incorrect fuel composition.” So, How to fix code P0169? First, we take a look at’s meaning, causes, and symptoms then fix it. P0169 meaning The powertrain control module (PCM) has identified a reference output power via the fuel performance sensors/fueling thermostat gauge that shows an

How To Fix Error Code P0223?
DTC Codes

How To Fix Error Code P0223 (High Output In Throttle)

Nothing is worse than having your Check Engine Light appear in the middle of traffic. This code will be known as a diagnostic trouble code or DTC. You will need to determine why your Check Engine Light is on. Definition of Error Code P0223: High Input from Switch B Circuit/TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) What Does

How to Fix Error Code P0222?
DTC Codes

OBD-II Code P0222: (Circuit Low Input In Throttle Position)

You will find that this is a very common code that people experience. We will talk about this p0222 error code and how you can diagnose and fix it. Definition of Error Code P0222 This is a problem with your throttle position switch in the B circuit. There will be voltage sent from the TPS

DTC Codes

How To Fix Error Code P0234 (Engine Overboost Condition)

This article will educate you about error code P0234. This is an over-boost condition code. You will learn all about this error code and how to fix it. We will talk about what the definition and causes are as well. Let us dive in! What Does Error Code P0234 Mean? This error code will indicate

How to Fix Error Code P0218?
DTC Codes

How To Fix Error Code P0218 (Transmission Over Temperature)

You will find that this code will appear when you scan the vehicle after your Check Engine Light comes on. This will be done using a diagnostic tool. We will look at how to diagnose this problem and how to fix it. Stay tuned to learn all about error code P0218. Definition of Error Code

What Does Error Code P0213 Mean?
DTC Codes

P0213 OBD-II Error Code (Cold Start Injector 1 Malfunction)

You will find that this article will inform you about error code P0213. We will talk all about it, so you are educated. Let us begin! When you are diagnosed with this error code, you have a malfunction on Injector 1 Cold Start. So, How to fix the P0213 OBD-II Error Code? Before seeing fixing,

How to Fix P0121 OBD2 Error Code?
DTC Codes

How to Fix P0121 OBD2 Error Code (TPS Circuit Range Issue)

Our vehicles today are very advanced. There are many sensors and codes that are involved. You will also find many intricate wiring designs as well. Remember, each component does something different. However, each component is important in its own way. Even with the highest-intelligence vehicle, there will still be error codes. In this article, we

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